NEW Additions for the NEW Year!

This year has been FULL of amazing opportunities.

I am so impressed with everything that has happened, that I have decided to expand my business further, and cut back a bit. 


2013 brought on A LOT of changes that I LOVED! And it also made me realize, just how much more I would love to get done -if I had more time- each month!

I LOVE helping people establish their brand online, and helping new freelance writers start their careers, now I want to really focus on expanding my coaching services, and maybe add a few classes on the way!

Since I am going to be doing more coaching sessions, I may not have time to keep up with all of my clients, and continue to work as hard on my other freelance services. 


I will be expanding a few other treats along the way!



I have been going back and forth on this A LOT. And I do mean A LOT! I have been focusing on the better part of my freelance services mentoring others, and helping writers start their own businesses, AND working much harder on growing the readership of my blog. 

The results have been AMAZING! So many people have stopped by and have helped me create some amazing new blog posts, and at the same time, helped me expand my blog much more!

You guys can now find my NEW twitter account for my blog BEYOND WORDS on Twitter @BWordsBlog!

This is all about freelancing, coaching, and FREE tips on all of your favorite topics.


What is that one thing that I always talk about??

My very first book is coming out!


My FIRST e-book will be available in January, and my followers will be able to download it for FREE next year! 2014!

There are a lot more changes coming up, and I really hope all of my followers love them as much as I am going to!

So, if you havent already, head on over to my blog connected to this website, and FOLLOW ME today, to get free goodies!

See you there! 

~To your success! 

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Breaking into the Freelance Business

Freelancing can be a gift. Truly, it can. However, for far too many writers (especially newbies) it can be tough. Let's face it, i...